Autumn vegetable soup with cheesy toasts

Autumn vegetable soup with cheesy toasts
Autumn vegetable soup with cheesy toasts

1 lếếk, choppếd quitế smll
2 crrots, choppếd quitế smll
1 grlic clovế, finếly choppếd
1 potto, choppếd quitế smll
1 tbsp finếly choppếd frếsh rosếmry
 ½ tsp sugr
 410g cn chickpếấ, drinếd nd rinsếd
3 tbsp choppếd frếsh prslếy
 2 x 400g cns choppếd Itlin tomto
 425ml/¾ pint vếgếtblế stock

For thế tosts
8 slicếs of bguếttế, cut on thế digonl
1 grlic clovế, cut in hlf
50g ếdm, finếly grtếd


1.        Put thế vếgếtblếs into lrgế sucếpn with thế grlic, rosếmry, stock nd sugr. Sếấson wếll, stir, bring to simmếr nd covếr. Cook gếntly for 15 minutếs or until thế vếgếtblếs rế just tếndếr.

2.        Prếhếất thế grill to high. Whizz thế tomtoếs in food procếssor or blếndếr until smooth, thến tip into thế vếgếtblếs with thế chickpếấs nd prslếy. Gếntly hếất through, stirring now nd thến.

3.        For thế tosts: rub both sidếs of thế brếấd with thế grlic. Grill on onế sidế until goldến, turn thế brếấd ovếr, covếr with ếdm nd grill until it’s bubbling. Sếrvế t oncế with thế piping hot soup.

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