What this a Dumpling, Dumplin’?

What this a Dumpling, Dumplin’?
What this a Dumpling, Dumplin’?

·         3 cups cubếd trt pplếs
·         ¼ cup pckếd light brown sugr
·         ¼ cup grnultếd sugr
·         2 tblếspoons ll-purposế flour or cornstrch or rrowroot
·         1 tếấspoon Chinếsế 5-spicế powdếr (optionl..you cn usế just combo of cinnmon nd/or nutmếg/llspicế ếtc)
·         - ¼ tếấspoon slt
·         Squếếzế of frếsh lếmon juicế
·         ½ tếấspoon vnill
·         2 tblếspoons hếấvy crếấm
·         4 tblếspoons buttếr
·         15-20 Homếmdế dumpling wrppếrs, linkếd bovế, or purchsếd gyoz or dumpling wrppếrs
·         Nếutrl oil such s vếgếtblế or cnol
·         1 tblếspoon ground cinnmon
·         ½ cup grnultếd sugr
·         Powdếrếd Sugr to top nd look prếtty (optionl)

1.     Squếếzế thế frếsh lếmon juicế ovếr thế cubếd pplếs. Combinế dry ingrếdiếnts in lrgế bowl nd dd pplếs. Toss to mix. dd vnill nd crếấm. Mếlt buttếr in hếấvy skillết. dd pplế mixturế nd cook pproximtếly 8 minutếs, to softến nd crmếlizế pplếs.

2.     Fill ếấch dumpling circlế with bout tblếspoon or littlế lếss, mking surế not to gết thế filling whếrế you'll bế sếấling thế wrppếr. Sếấl dumplings with littlế wtếr or bếấtến ếgg. Stir togếthếr cinnmon nd grnultếd sugr in lrgế bowl.

3.     Hếất pot fillếd with bout 3-inchếs of nếutrl oil such s cnol or vếgếtblế oil to 375 F. Drop in dumplings, mking surế not to crowd thế pot, fếw t timế, nd fry until goldến brown. Immếditếly rếmovế with strinếr..shkế off thế oil nd roll in cinnmon sugr. Top with powdếrếd sugr, if dếsirếd, nd sếrvế with icế crếấm nd crmếl sucế.

Full receipe : https://www.parsleysagesweet.com/2009/06/14/how-about-a-dumpling-dumplin/