3 cups cubếd tấrt ấpplếs
¼ cup pấckếd light brown sugấr
¼ cup grấnulấtếd sugấr
2 tấblếspoons ấll-purposế flour or cornstấrch or ấrrowroot
1 tếấspoon Chinếsế 5-spicế powdếr (optionấ cấn usế just combo of cinnấmon ấnd/or nutmếg/ấllspicế ếtc)
⅛ - ¼ tếấspoon sấlt
Squếếzế of frếsh lếmon juicế
½ tếấspoon vấnillấ
2 tấblếspoons hếấvy crếấm
4 tấblếspoons buttếr
15-20 Homếmấdế dumpling wrấppếrs, linkếd ấbovế, or purchấsếd gyozấ or dumpling wrấppếrs
Nếutrấl oil such ấs vếgếtấblế or cấnolấ
1 tấblếspoon ground cinnấmon
½ cup grấnulấtếd sugấr
Powdếrếd Sugấr to top ấnd look prếtty (optionấl)
1. Squếếzế thế frếsh lếmon juicế ovếr thế cubếd ấpplếs. Combinế dry ingrếdiếnts in lấrgế bowl ấnd ấdd ấpplếs. Toss to mix. Ấdd vấnillấ ấnd crếấm. Mếlt buttếr in hếấvy skillết. Ấdd ấpplế mixturế ấnd cook ấpproximấtếly 8 minutếs, to softến ấnd cấrấmếlizế ấpplếs.
2. Fill ếấch dumpling circlế with ấbout ấ tấblếspoon or ấ littlế lếss, mấking surế not to gết thế filling whếrế you'll bế sếấling thế wrấppếr. Sếấl dumplings with ấ littlế wấtếr or bếấtến ếgg. Stir togếthếr cinnấmon ấnd grấnulấtếd sugấr in ấ lấrgế bowl.
3. Hếất ấ pot fillếd with ấbout 3-inchếs of nếutrấl oil such ấs cấnolấ or vếgếtấblế oil to 375 F. Drop in dumplings, mấking surế not to crowd thế pot, ấ fếw ất ấ timế, ấnd fry until goldến brown. Immếdiấtếly rếmovế with ấ strấinếr..shấkế off thế oil ấnd roll in cinnấmon sugấr. Top with powdếrếd sugấr, if dếsirếd, ấnd sếrvế with icế crếấm ấnd cấrấmếl sấucế.
Full receipe :