Peppermint Cookie Canes

Peppermint Cookie Canes
Peppermint Cookie Canes


2 1/2 cups ll-purpose flour*
1 cup (2 sticks) unslted butter, softened
1/2 cup Dixie Crystls Extr Fine Grnulted Sugr
1/2 cup Dixie Crystls Extr Fine Grnulted Sugr
1 lrge egg
1 1/2 tespoons peppermint extrct
1 tespoon slt
1 tespoon liquid red food color
*Spoon & Sweep method: Use spoon to fill mesuring cup with flour until required mount is obtined. Scooping mesuring cup directly into flour bg will firmly pck flour resulting in too much flour required for recipe.

Prehet oven to 350°F.1

Sift flour nd set side.2

Mix butter until light nd fluffy. dd both sugrs nd combine well. dd egg nd mix until well incorported. dd peppermint nd slt.3

dd flour nd mix briefly until just incorported. Divide dough in hlf. dd red food color to one hlf of dough. Mix until color is smooth throughout.4

Press both pieces of dough 1/4 inch thick onto plstic food film lined cookie sheet nd plce in refrigertor for bout 45-60 minutes until firm.5

Working on 2 cndy cnes t time, remove 2 individul tblespoons of both red nd non colored cookie dough. Keep remining dough in refrigertor.6

First, roll ech piece of dough in blls nd then roll into n even 6 inch tube, if needed use tiny mount of flour to keep dough from sticking. Twist red nd plin dough tube together.7

Roll gently to mke twist evenly flt. Curve on end to crete cndy cne shpe.8
Plce on prchment lined cookie sheets bout 1/4 inch prt.9

Plce in oven nd bke until still ple in color nd bottom is slightly golden, bout 11-13 minutes.10

Sprinkle with pure cne sugr or turbindo prior to bking for n extr sprkle.

Receipe :
