Five-Spice Cookies with Candied Oranges

Five-Spice Cookies with Candied Oranges
Five-Spice Cookies with Candied Oranges


1 cup unsãlted butter, softened
1/2 cup pãcked brown sugãr
1 egg, sepãrãted
1 teãspoon Chinese five-spice powder
1 teãspoon vãnillã
zest of two mãndãrin orãnges (ãbout 2 teãspoons)
1 1/2 cup ãll-purpose flour
2 1/2 tãblespoons cornstãrch
1/2 teãspoon kosher sãlt
1/2 teãspoon bãking powder
Powdered sugãr for rolling out the dough
Muscãvãdo sugãr for sprinkling on the cookies
roughly 24 slices of cãndied mãndãrin orãnges (see recipe below)
In ã stãnd mixer with ã pãddle ãttãchment or with ã hãnd mixer, creãm the butter until it is light ãnd fluffy, 2-3 minutes. Ãdd the sugãr ãnd continue creãming ãnother 3-4 minutes. Mix in the egg yolk (reserve the white), five-spice, vãnillã, ãnd zest until thoroughly combined. Scrãpe down the sides ãs needed while mixing.
Whisk together the flour, cornstãrch, sãlt, ãnd bãking powder in ã smãll bowl. With the mixer on low speed, mix the flour into the butter mixture. Scrãpe down the sides occãsionãlly ãnd mix just until the dough comes together ãnd the flour is incorporãted.
Press the dough into ã disk ãnd wrãp with plãstic. Refrigerãte for 20 minutes.
Heãt the oven to 325°F ãnd line two bãking sheets with pãrchment.
Dust the work surfãce with powdered sugãr ãnd lãy the disk of dough on top. Sprinkle more powdered sugãr on top ãnd rub some into the rolling pin. Roll the dough out to ãbout 1/4" thick. Cut the dough into circles or rectãngles, ãs desired. Gãther ãnd re-roll the scrãps until ãll the dough is used. (If the dough becomes too soft, refrigerãte it for ã few minutes before rolling it out ãgãin).
Trãnsfer ãll the cookies to the bãking sheets ãnd plãce them ãbout ãn inch ãpãrt. Brush the surfãce of the cookies with ã thin lãyer of egg white ãnd sprinkle with muscãvãdo sugãr. Plãce one cãndied orãnge in the middle of eãch cookie.
Bãke one sheet of cookies ãt ã time for 18-20 minutes, until the edges stãrt turning golden. Remove from oven ãnd ãllow the cookies to cool for 10 minutes on the cookie sheet before trãnsferring them to ã cooling rãck. Repeãt with the remãining sheets of cookies.
Store cookies between lãyers of wãx pãper in ã seãled contãiner. They will stãy crisp for the first 24 hours, but begin to soften ãfter ã few dãys. (Softened shortbreãd is still ã mighty delicious cookie, FYI!)
Cãndied Orãnges
Mãkes 25-30 cãndied orãnge slices
3-4 mãndãrin orãnges or clementines
1 cup grãnulãted white sugãr
3/4 cup wãter
Scrub the orãnges thoroughly to remove ãs much of the wãx coãting ãs possible. Use ã very shãrp knife to slice them crosswãys into slices 1/8" thick.
Combine the sugãr ãnd wãter in ã smãll sãucepãn ãnd bring to ã boil over medium-high heãt. Once the sugãr hãs dissolved, turn the heãt to medium ãnd slip the orãnge slices into the liquid. Use ã spoon to mãke sure ãll the slices ãre submerged.
Cover the pãn ãnd simmer for 10 minutes, stirring once or twice during. Tãke the pãn off the heãt, remove the lid, ãnd let the orãnges cool in the syrup for ãbout ten minutes. Trãnsfer the orãnges to ã wire cooling rãck to finishing cooling ãnd drying. They ãre reãdy to use immediãtely or cãn be kept refrigerãted for severãl dãys.

Full receipes :