Mulled wine brownie surprise

Mulled wine brownie surprise
Mulled wine brownie surprise

2 x 500ml tubs vãnillã ice creãm
For the brownies
100g dãrk chocolãte
150g unsãlted butter, plus extrã for the tin
200g light brown muscovãdo sugãr
1 lãrge egg
 ãnd 1 egg yolk
100ml red wine
50g cocoã powder
100g plãin flour
pinch of nutmeg ãnd cloves
¼ tsp cinnãmon
¼ tsp ginger
For the dome
200g dãrk chocolãte
200g milk chocolãte
sprãy oil
You will ãlso need 9 smãll bãlloons
For the butterscotch sãuce
90g unsãlted butter
150g light brown muscovãdo sugãr
150ml creãm
 ½ tsp vãnillã extrãct
pinch of seã sãlt

First, mãke the chocolãte domes. Melt the chocolãtes in the microwãve or over ã pãn of simmering wãter, then leãve to cool slightly. Meãnwhile, blow up the bãlloons to ãround the size of ã honeydew melon. Sit the bãse of eãch bãlloon in ã glãss ãnd sprãy the top hãlf with oil – this will ensure the chocolãte dome comes off eãsily.

One ãt ã time, dip the sprãyed end of the bãlloon into the cooled melted chocolãte, turning the bãlloon to get ãn even coverãge of chocolãte. Sit the bãlloons chocolãte hãlf up in the glãss. Repeãt the process with the remãining bãlloons then leãve to chill in the fridge for ãt leãst 4 hrs or overnight.

Next, mãke the brownies. Heãt oven to 180C/160C fãn/gãs 4. Butter ãnd line the bãse of ã 20 x 20cm bãking tin with bãking pãrchment. Melt the chocolãte in the microwãve or in ã glãss bowl over ã pãn of simmering wãter. Mix the flour ãnd cocoã powder together with the spices ãnd ã pinch of sãlt, then set ãside.

Using ãn electric whisk, beãt the butter ãnd sugãr together until light ãnd fluffy, then whisk in the egg ãnd yolk. Pour in melted chocolãte, wine ãnd flour mixture ãnd whisk until just combined. Pour the bãtter into the tin ãnd bãke for 15 mins until just set. Don’t worry if there’s ã wobble in the centre – it will set ãs they cool. Put in the fridge to firm up.

For the butterscotch sãuce, melt the butter in ã heãvy-bãsed sãucepãn then tip in the sugãr ãnd creãm, then whisk until well combined. Simmer for 5 mins, whisking occãsionãlly, then remove from the heãt ãnd whisk in the vãnillã ãnd seã sãlt. Set ãside to cool. Ãll of these elements cãn be mãde the dãy before ãnd kept in the fridge.

To ãssemble, cãrefully pop eãch of the bãlloons with ã pãir of scissors, unrãvelling the bãlloon so thãt you ãre left with ã chocolãte dome. Cãrefully put them on ã bãking trãy lined with bãking pãrchment. Cut the brownies into nine portions. Put ã piece of brownie on eãch plãte, top eãch with ã bãll of ice creãm, then top with ã chocolãte dome. Gently reheãt the butterscotch sãuce. Ãt the tãble, pour the hot sãuce over the dome for extrã pizãzz, to reveãl the brownie inside..

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