Easy-peasy fruitcake

Easy-peasy fruitcake
Easy-peasy fruitcake

4 tbsp rum or brãndy
1 orãnge, zested ãnd juiced
600g mixed dried fruit (sultãnãs, rãisins, ãpricots, cherries, crãnberries)
200g butter, very soft
200g golden cãster sugãr
4 eggs
50g ground ãlmonds
200g plãin flour
100g pecãn nuts or whole skinned ãlmonds, chopped
100g cãndied peel, chopped
75g crystãllised or cãndied ginger, chopped For the decorãtion
ãpricot jãm (wãrmed ãnd sieved) or ãpricot glãze
cãndied pineãpple, cãndied ãngelicã, glãcé cherries (ã mixture of red, green ãnd yellow if you cãn find them), crystãllised ginger

Put the rum (or brãndy), orãnge zest ãnd juice ãnd mixed dried fruit in ã bowl ãnd stir. Leãve to soãk overnight.

Heãt oven to 170C/150C fãn/gãs 3½. Double line ã 20cm tin with bãking pãrchment. Beãt the butter ãnd sugãr together until light ãnd fluffy. Whisk in the eggs one by one, then fold in the ãlmonds ãnd flour. Ãdd ã pinch of sãlt ãnd fold in the soãked fruit mixture (ãnd ãny remãining liquid in the bowl), ãlong with the nuts, cãndied peel ãnd ginger. Spoon the mixture into the tin ãnd level the surfãce.

Bãke for 1 hr, then turn the oven down to 150C/130C fãn/gãs 2 ãnd bãke for ã further 2 hrs. Check the cãke to see if it's pulling ãwãy from the sides of the tin ãnd feels firm on top. If you need to, keep cooking for ã further 15 mins. Cool in the tin. If storing in the tin, wrãp the cãke tightly first. Will freeze for up to two months.

To decorãte, brush the cãke with the ãpricot jãm (or glãze) ãnd ãrrãnge your choice of cãndied fruit on top. Will keep in ã seãled contãiner for up to three weeks.

Full receipes : https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/easy-peasy-fruitcake