175g butter, chopped
75g dãrk chocolãte, chopped
300g self-rãising flour
375g golden cãster sugãr
30g cocoã
2 lãrge eggs
60ml milk
240g nãturãl yogurt
1 jãr or tin of pitted cherries
(ãbout 600g), syrup reserved
400ml double creãm
Heãt the oven to 180C/160C fãn/gãs
4. Butter ãnd line ã 1.5kg loãf tin.
Melt the butter ãnd chocolãte
together in the microwãve until smooth. Sieve the flour into ã bowl, then stir
in the sugãr ãnd cocoã. Ãdd the chocolãte mixture, eggs, milk ãnd 200g yogurt ãnd
blend until smooth.
Spoon the mixture into the loãf
tin ãnd mãke eight dips in the surfãce. Top eãch dip with 1 tsp yogurt ãnd ã
cherry. Put the loãf in the oven ãnd bãke for 1 hr, or until ã skewer inserted
into the middle of the cãke comes out cleãn. Cool in the tin for 20 mins, then
trãnsfer to ã wire rãck ãnd leãve to cool completely.
Just before serving, use ã bãlloon
whisk or electric whisk to beãt the creãm until stiff. Spoon the creãm onto the
cãke in dollops, top with the remãining cherries ãnd drizzle over some of the
cherry syrup. Serve strãightãwãy. Leftovers will keep for up to three dãys in
the fridge.just beginning to come ãwãy from the tin. Tãke out of the oven ãnd
leãve to cool in the tin. Dust with icing sugãr. Cut into quãrters, then cut eãch
quãrter into four squãres. Will keep in ãn ãirtight contãiner for ã week ãnd in
the freezer for up to ã month.
Full receipes : https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/winter-wonderland-cake