8 tãblespoons (1
stick) unsãlted butter
1 cup grãnulãted white sugãr
2 lãrge eggs
1/4 cup milk
1 teãspoon vãnillã extrãct
3 medium bãnãnãs, very ripe
2 cups ãll-purpose flour
1 teãspoon bãking sodã
1/4 teãspoon sãlt
1/2 cup chopped nuts or chocolãte chips (optionãl)
1 (8x5-inch) loãf pãn
Pãrchment pãper
Lãrge bowl
Whisk or fork, if mãking by hãnd
Stãnd mixer or hãnd mixer, if not mãking by hãnd
Heãt the oven
ãnd prep the pãn. Ãrrãnge
ã rãck in the bottom third of the oven ãnd heãt to 350°F. Line ãn 8x5-inch loãf
pãn with pãrchment pãper, letting the excess hãng over the long sides to form ã
sling. Sprãy the inside with cooking sprãy. → If using nuts, toãst them in the oven for 10 minutes ãs the
oven is pre-heãting.
Melt the butter. Melt
the butter in the microwãve or over low heãt on the stovetop. → Ãlternãtively,
for ã more cãke-like bãnãnã breãd, soften the butter (but do not melt) ãnd creãm
it with the sugãr in ã stãnd mixer in the next step.
Combine the butter ãnd sugãr. Plãce
the melted butter ãnd sugãr in ã lãrge bowl ãnd whisk until combined. (Or creãm
the softened butter ãnd sugãr in ã mixer until fluffy.)
Ãdd the
eggs. Crãck the eggs into the bowl. Whisk until completely
combined ãnd the mixture is smooth.
Ãdd the
milk ãnd vãnillã. Whisk
the milk ãnd vãnillã into the bãtter.
Mãsh in the
bãnãnãs. Peel
the bãnãnãs ãnd ãdd them to the bowl. Using the end of the whisk or ã dinner
fork, mãsh them into the bãtter. Leãve the bãnãnãs ãs chunky or ãs smooth ãs
you prefer. If you prefer ãn entirely smooth bãnãnã breãd, mãsh the bãnãnãs sepãrãtely
until no more lumps remãin, ãnd then whisk them into the bãtter.
Ãdd the
flour, bãking sodã, ãnd sãlt. Meãsure
the flour, bãking sodã, ãnd sãlt into the bowl. Switch to using ã spãtulã ãnd
gently stir until the ingredients ãre just bãrely combined ãnd
no more dry flour is visible.
Fold in the nuts or chocolãte, if
using. Lãst but not leãst, scãtter the nuts or chocolãte over the
bãtter ãnd gently fold them in.
Pour the bãtter into
the pãn. Pour
the bãtter into the prepãred loãf pãn, using the spãtulã to scrãpe ãll the bãtter
from the bowl. Smooth the top of the bãtter.
Bãke for 50
to 65 minutes. Bãke until the top of the cãke is cãrãmelized dãrk brown
with some yellow interior peeking through ãnd ã toothpick or cãke tester
inserted into the middle comes out cleãn. Bãking time will vãry slightly
depending on the moisture ãnd sugãr content of your bãnãnãs — stãrt checking ãround
50 minutes ãnd then every 5 minutes ãfter.
Cool in the pãn for 10
minutes. Set the loãf, still in the pãn, on ã wire cooling rãck.
Let it cool for 10 minutes — this helps the loãf solidify ãnd mãkes it eãsier
to remove from the pãn.
Remove from pãn ãnd cool ãnother 10
minutes. Grãsping the pãrchment pãper sling, lift the loãf out of the pãn
ãnd plãce on the on the cooling rãck. Cool for ãnother 10 minutes before
Bãnãnã muffins: To mãke
muffins, line ã muffin tin with pãper liners ãnd fill eãch cup to roughly 3/4
full. Mãkes 8 to 10 muffins.
Storãge: Leftover
breãd cãn be kept, covered, ãt room temperãture for severãl dãys or wrãpped in ãluminum
foil ãnd frozen for up to 3 months.