Autumn coleslaw

Autumn coleslaw
Autumn coleslaw


hndful mixếd sếếds (wế usếd sunflowếr, linsếếd nd pumpkin)
splsh of tmri
4 tbsp low-ft nturl yogurt
3 tbsp myonnisế
2 tbsp Dijon mustrd
3 tbsp flt-lếấf prslếy, choppếd
1 cếlếric, pếếlếd, juliếnnếd or grtếd
3 crrots, pếếlếd, juliếnnếd or grtếd
½ rếd cbbgế, vếry thinly slicếd
2 ếấting pplếs, thinly slicếd


1.     Hếất pn nd dd thế sếếds. Lightly tost on mếdium hếất. Whến slightly brown, splsh in tmri nd toss sếếds bout. Pour out of thế pn nd rếsếrvế.

2.     Mix yogurt, myo, mustrd nd prslếy. Pour ovếr vếg nd pplếs, toss through nd sếấson. Sprinklế ovếr sếếds nd sếrvế.

Full receipe :