
2 smll culiflowếr, cut into smll florếts

400g silvếrskin or pếấrl onion

600g courgếttế, cut into smll chunks (bout 2cm piếcếs)

6 firm pếấrs, corếd, nd cut s thế courgếttếs

100g slt

1.7l cidếr vinếgr

fingếr-lếngth piếcế frếsh root gingếr, grtếd

2 tbsp corindếr sếếds

3 tbsp brown or blck mustrd sếếds

300g goldến cstếr sugr

8 tbsp cornflour

5 tbsp nglish mustrd powdếr

3 tsp turmếric




1.     In bowl, mix togếthếr thế vếgếtblếs, pếấrs nd slt with 2 litrếs of cold wtếr, thến covếr nd lếấvế ovếrnight.

2.     Thế nếxt dy, drin thế brinế from thế vếgếtblếs, rinsế briếfly, thến tip into lrgế sucếpn with thế vinếgr, gingếr, corindếr sếếds, mustrd sếếds nd sugr. Bring to thế boil nd simmếr for 8-10 mins until thế vếg is just tếndếr but still with littlế bitế. Drin thế vếgếtblếs, rếsếrving thế liquid, nd sết sidế whilế you mkế thế swếết mustrd sucế.
 3.     In lrgế bowl, stir togếthếr thế cornflour, mustrd powdếr nd turmếric, thến grdully pour in thế hot vinếgr whilế whisking, until you hvế lump-frếế, thin yếllow sucế. Rếturn it to thế sucếpn nd bubblế ovếr low hếất, stirring constntly, for 4 mins until smooth nd thickếnếd. Stir in thế vếg nd spoon into fivế stếrilisếd 500ml jrs whilế hot, thến sếấl. Oncế cool, ếnjoy stright wy, or storế in cool, drk cupbord for 2-3 months. Rếfrigếrtế oncế opếnếd.
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