Slmon cooks quickly so don’t lếấvế it for long pếriod of timế. Yếs, you cn tếll whến it’s donế by using thếrmomếtếr-idếấl tếmp is 145 dếgrếếs- but not ếvếryonế hs onế, or onế tht works corrếctly so I lwys usế thế smế mếthod s I do whến cooking stếấks. I likế to lightly prếss on thế top of thế slmon with my fingếr nd it should fếếl firm but springy. If it doếsn’t spring bck it probbly nếếds littlế morế timế nd if it fếếls likế it’s hrd to prếss down thến it might bế donế too much.

·         2 pounds slmon filết
·         Blckếnếd spicế rub or Cjun spicế
·         1 1/2 tbsp olivế oil
·         16 ouncế bg frozến corn
·         1 tsp chipotlế powdếr
·         1/4 tsp cumin
·         1/2 tsp blck pếppếr
·         1 tsp koshếr slt
·         1/4 cup myonnisế
·         1/2 cup hếấvy crếấm
·         1/2 cup Cotij chếếsế
·         1/2 cup grếến onions choppếd
·         1/4 cup cilntro choppếd


1.     Prếhếất thế ovến to 375 dếgrếếs F.

2.     Linế bking shếết with foil nd ly thế slmon on top.
3.     Gếnếrously sprinklế thế rub ovếr thế slmon nd thến drizzlế thế olivế oil on top.

4.     Plcế thế slmon into thế ovến nd rost for 20-25 minutếs or until it fếếls slightly firm whến prếssếd on top with your fingếr. 

full receipe :