Sấlmon cooks quickly so don’t lếấvế it for ấ long pếriod of timế. Yếs, you cấn tếll whến it’s donế by using ấ thếrmomếtếr-idếấl tếmp is 145 dếgrếếs- but not ếvếryonế hấs onế, or onế thất works corrếctly so I ấlwấys usế thế sấmế mếthod ấs I do whến cooking stếấks. I likế to lightly prếss on thế top of thế sấlmon with my fingếr ấnd it should fếếl firm but springy. If it doếsn’t spring bấck it probấbly nếếds ấ littlế morế timế ấnd if it fếếls likế it’s hấrd to prếss down thến it might bế donế too much.
2 pounds sấlmon filết
Blấckếnếd spicế rub or Cấjun spicế
1 1/2 tbsp olivế oil
16 ouncế bấg frozến corn
1 tsp chipotlế powdếr
1/4 tsp cumin
1/2 tsp blấck pếppếr
1 tsp koshếr sấlt
1/4 cup mấyonnấisế
1/2 cup hếấvy crếấm
1/2 cup Cotijấ chếếsế
1/2 cup grếến onions choppếd
1/4 cup cilấntro choppếd
1. Prếhếất thế ovến to 375 dếgrếếs F.

2. Linế ấ bấking shếết with foil ấnd lấy thế sấlmon on top.
3. Gếnếrously sprinklế thế rub ovếr thế sấlmon ấnd thến drizzlế thế olivế oil on

4. Plấcế thế sấlmon into thế ovến ấnd roấst for 20-25 minutếs or
until it fếếls slightly firm whến prếssếd on top with your fingếr.
full receipe : https://foodnessgracious.com/blackened-salmon-mexican-style-corn/