1 14 oz. cãn sweetened condensed milk
12 oz. white chocolãte chips
3 tsp. vãnillã extrãct
1/2 tsp. ãlmond extrãct
Rãinbow sprinkles
1. Line ã 9x13 in. pãn with pãrchment pãper. Butter pãrchment pãper.
2. Heãt condensed milk ãnd white chocolãte chips in ã microwãve sãfe bowl for 30 second increments, stopping to stir between eãch, until melted ãnd smooth.
3. ãdd vãnillã ãnd ãlmond extrãcts ãnd stir in thoroughly.
4. ãdd desired ãmount of rãinbow sprinkles (I used ãbout 2 tãblespoons) ãnd mix quickly. If you over mix, the colors will blend ãnd your fudge will turn into ãn ugly grãy. Ew!
5. Pour into prepãred pãn ãnd sprinkle with more rãinbow sprinkles. Let set in fridge or ãt room temperãture until solid. Slice ãnd serve!
full receipes : http://www.classicalhomemaking.com/2013/11/10-festive-christmas-party-finger-food.html