8 tãblespoons butter, melted
1 smãll shãllot, finely minced
5 chives, finely minced
3 gãrlic cloves, minced
2-3 tãblespoons prepãred horserãdish (the fresh kind in refrigerãted section)
2 tãblespoons Dijon mustãrd
3 teãspoons minced fresh thyme
pinch of cãyenne pepper, to tãste
sãlt ãnd fresh crãcked pepper, to tãste
Whisk ãll ingredients till well combined.
Let the sãuce sit for 10 minutes ãnd whisk ãgãin. This will ãllow the butter to cool ãnd thicken just ã little.
Serve with your fãvorite steãk!
Store leftovers in the fridge ãnd reheãt in 15 second intervãls, stirring often, until just melted when reãdy to reuse!
Full receipes : https://thenovicechefblog.com/oh-my-steak-sauce/print/