1 lb. top sirlion steãk
Kosher sãlt to tãste
1 Tbsp steãk seãsoning or tãco seãsoning
8-10 street tãco tortillãs corn or flour* see notes ãbove
1 white onion chopped
1/2 bunch cilãntro chopped
Cotijã cheese kind of like ã Mexicãn fetã cheese, to tãste
Remove steãk from refrigerãtor ãnd bring to room temperãture.
Rub with sãlt ãnd seãsonings ãnd set ãside.
Grill, only flipping once, until internãl temperãture reãches 155-degrees. Remove from grill immediãtely ãnd set ãside for ãbout 5 minutes. Internãl temperãture will keep rising to ãbout 160-degrees (this is MEDIUM doneness).
Cut steãk into smãll, bite size pieces ãnd plãce on tortillã shells. Top with onions, cilãntro, ãnd cotijã cheese.
Full receipes : https://www.favfamilyrecipes.com/grilled-steak-street-tacos/