1 Tãblespoon olive oil
16 ounce whole mushrooms, you cãn ãlso used sliced
sãlt ãnd pepper
¼ cup bãlsãmic vinegãr
1 Tãblespoon honey
4 gãrlic cloves minced
fresh chopped pãrsley for gãrnish
In ã medium sized skillet over medium high heãt ãdd the olive oil. ãdd the mushrooms ãnd sãlt ãnd pepper. Sãuté for 1-2 minutes until they stãrt to become tender.
In ã smãll bowl whisk bãlsãmic vinegãr, honey ãnd minced gãrlic. ãdd the sãuce to the mushrooms ãnd continue to sãuté for ãbout 3-5 minutes until the sãuce reduces ãnd mushrooms ãre tender ãnd coãted in the sãuce. Gãrnish with fresh chopped pãrsley.
full receipes : https://therecipecritic.com/honey-balsamic-garlic-mushrooms/