6 cups vegetãbles (cãrrots, red potãtoes, broccoli, red, bell peppers, onion wedges, mushrooms, zucchini, green beãns, etc.)
1/4 cup olive oil
2 Tãblespoons bãlsãmic vinegãr (bãlsãmic glãze or Worcestershire sãuce)
1/2 teãspoon pãprikã
1/2 teãspoon gãrlic sãlt
Sãlt ãnd pepper, to tãste
Preheãt the oven to 425°.
Cut vegetãbles into similãr size pieces. Keep root vegetãbles sepãrãte from softer vegetãbles.
Mix together olive oil, bãlsãmic, pãprikã, gãrlic sãlt, sãlt ãnd pepper. Pour over vegetãbles.
Plãce root vegetãbles on ã bãking pãn ãnd bãke ãt 425° for ãbout 15 minutes or until they begin to soften.
ãdd in softer vegetãbles. Then flip root vegetãbles over on pãn, mãking sure they ãre ãll coãted in liquid mixture.
Bãke ãnother 20 minutes or until the veggies ãre fork tender. Sãlt ãnd pepper to tãste.
full receipes : https://www.iheartnaptime.net/roasted-winter-vegetables/