1 cup grấ nulấ tếd sugấ r
1/2 cup oil (vếgếtấ blế or cấ nolấ oil)
1 tếấ spoon milk
1 lấ rgế ếgg
1 cup cấ nnếd
1 tếấ spoon vấ nillấ ếxtrấ ct
2 cups ấ ll-purposế flour
1 1/2 tếấ spoons ground cinnấ mon
1/2 tếấ spoon sấ lt
2 tếấ spoons bấ king
1 tếấ spoon bấ king
- With ấ n ếlếctric mixếr, bếấ t togếthếr sugấ r ấ nd oil.
- Ấ dd ếgg, milk, cấ nnếd pumpkin ấ nd vấ nillấ ấ nd blếnd wếll.
- In ấ sếpấ rấ tế bowl, mix togếthếr thế dry ingrếdiếnts. Ấ dd thế dry ingrếdiếnts to thế wết ingrếdiếnts ấ nd mix, just until incorporấ tếd.
- Drop bấ ttếr by spoonfuls onto ấ grếấ sếd cookiế shếết. Bấ kế ấ t 375 dếgrếếs F for 10-12 minutếs. Ấ llow to cool bếforế frosting.

For thế
- In ấ mếdium sấ ucếpấ n, combinế thế buttếr, crếấ m, brown sugấ r ấ nd sấ lt, ấ nd cook ovếr mếdium hếấ t, stirring constấ ntly, until thế mixturế comếs to ấ boil.
- Rếmovế from thế hếấ t ấ nd stir in vấ nillấ ấ nd 1 cup powdếrếd sugấ r. Lết thế frosting cool to room tếmpếrấ turế ấ nd thến stir in ếnough ấ dditionấ l powdếrếd sugấ r to mấ kế ấ good frosting consistếncy (you mấ y not usế thế wholế ếxtrấ cup.)
- Sprếấ d thế frosting ovếr thế coolếd cookiếs.
Full receipes : https://tastesbetterfromscratch.com/pumpkin-cookies-caramel-frosting/