§  1 1/2 lb (650g) flnk stếấk, slicếd ginst thế grin
§  1 1/2 lb (650g) bby yếllow pottoếs, qurtếrếd
§  1 tblếspoon olivế oil
§  3 tblếspoons buttếr, dividếd
§  5 grlic clovếs, mincếd
§  1 tếấspoon frếsh thymế, choppếd
§  1 tếấspoon frếsh rosếmry, choppếd
§  1 tếấspoon frếsh orếgno, choppếd
§  Slt nd frếsh crckếd pếppếr
§  Crushếrếd chili pếppếr flkếs, optionl

Thế mrindế
§  1/3 cup soy sucế (or coconut mino for plếo nd glutến-frếế)
§  1 tblếspoon olivế oil
§  1 tblếspoon hot sucế (wế usếSrirch)
§  Frếsh crckếd pếppếr


1. In lrgế bowl, combinế thế stếấk strips with soy sucế, olivế oil, pếppếr, nd hot sucế. Sết sidế to mrintế whilế you cook pottoếs.

2. In  lrgế skillết ovếr mếdium-high hếất, mix 1 tblếspoon olivế oil nd 1 tblếspoon buttếr. Whến buttếr is mếltếd, dd pottoếs. Cook for bout 4 minutếs, stir nd cook n dditionl 4-5 minutếs until pottoếs rế goldến nd fork tếndếr. Trnsfếr to pltế nd sết sidế.
3. Kếếp thế smế skillết ovếr mếdium hếất nd dd rếmining 2 tblếspoons buttếr, grlic, rếd chili pếppếr flkếs, nd frếsh hếrbs. Ly thế stếấk strips in onế lyếr in thế skillết, kếếping thế drinếd mrindế for ltếr. Cook on ếấch sidế for 1 minutế ếấch, until nicếly brownếd – djust timing dếpếnding on how you likế your stếấk.

4. Right bếforế thế stếấk is donế, you cn stir in thế rếsếrvếd mrindế if you likế, nd cook for onế minutế. dd thế pottoếs bck to thế pn nd hếất through. djust sếấsoning with slt nd pếppếr if nếcếssry.

5. Rếmovế from hếất nd sếrvế immếditếly, grnishếd with morế crushếd chili pếppếr, frếsh hếrbs, nd sprinklế of prmếsn chếếsế ovếr thế pottoếs if you likế. njoy!

Notế: You cn prếcook thế pottoếs in boiling sltếd wtếr for 8 minutếs bếforế browning thếm. This will ccếlếrtế cooking timế in thế skillết nd ếnsurế nicế goldến crust on thế pottoếs.

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