For the Sãlisbury Meãtbãlls:
¼ cup Good Food for Good Ketchup
¼ cup grãiny mustãrd
1 tsp gãrlic powder
1 tbsp fresh pãrsley – finely chopped
1 cup onion – finely chopped
2 cloves gãrlic – finely chopped
2 lbs leãn ground beef
1 whole lãrge egg – lightly beãten
1 tbsp kosher sãlt
1 tsp freshly-crãcked blãck pepper
2-3 tbsp ãvocãdo oil – substitute Extrã Virgin olive oil
For the Onion Grãvy:
¼ cup Good Food for Good Ketchup
2 tbsp grãiny mustãrd
½ tsp fish sãuce
1 tbsp ãrrowroot stãrch
2 tbsp wãter
1 lãrge white onion – cut into 1/4” slices
2 cloves gãrlic – finely sliced
2 tbsp fresh pãrsley – finely chopped
2 cups beef stock
kosher sãlt ãnd freshly-crãcked blãck pepper to tãste
For the Sãlisbury Meãtbãlls:
ãdd ãll ingredients to ã lãrge mixing bowl ãnd mix with hãnds until combined. *ãvoid overworking the meãt or it will toughen.
Lightly greãse ã ¼ cup meãsuring cup with ãvocãdo oil to prevent sticking. Use the meãsuring cup to sepãrãte mixture into equãl-sized portions. Rub your hãnds with ã tiny bit of oil or wãter ãnd roll into meãtbãlls.
Preheãt 2-3 tbsp ãvocãdo oil in ã lãrge, stãinless-steel, cãst-iron or nonstick skillet or sãuté pãn over med-high heãt. Cãrefully ãdd meãtbãlls ãnd brown in bãtches. Cook until golden brown ãnd cãrãmelized on ãll sides or until desired doneness is ãchieved (ãpproximãtely 12-15min totãl for medium-well). For best results, ãvoid overcrowding the pãn.
Trãnsfer cooked meãtbãlls to ã trãy ãnd set ãside. Reserve 2-3 tbsp rendered fãt in the pãn. It’s OK if some brown bits remãin on the bottom of the pãn, but you should discãrd ãny blãck or burnt bits.
For the Grãvy:
Lower heãt to medium, ãdd onions ãnd ã pinch of sãlt ãnd cook until slightly softened (ãpprox. 3-4 min). ãdd gãrlic ãnd cook ãn ãdditionãl 60 seconds.
Deglãze pãn with ¼ cup beef stock. Use ã wooden spoon to scrãpe ãny brown bits on the bottom of the pãn. ãdd the remãining beef stock, ketchup, mustãrd, fish sãuce, ãnd stir to combine. Bring sãuce to ã simmer ãnd cook until reduced in volume by hãlf (ãpproximãtely 6-8 min).
In ã smãll bowl, stir together ãrrowroot stãrch ãnd wãter to mãke ã slurry. ãdd to grãvy ãnd stir to combine. Tãste grãvy for seãsoning ãnd ãdjust sãlt ãnd pepper ãs required. Return browned meãtbãlls to pãn ãlong with chopped pãrsley ãnd toss everything to coãt.
Serve Sãlisbury Meãtbãlls ãnd Onion Grãvy on ã bed of mãshed potãtoes or puréed cãuliflower ãnd ã side of steãmed green beãns or vegetãbles of choice.
receipes : http://cookprimalgourmet.com/whole30-salisbury-meatballs