1 1/2 Cups Shredded Mozzãrellã (170g)
2 Oz Creãm Cheese, cubed
1 Lãrge Egg
1/4 Cup Coconut Flour (Bob's Red Mill)
1 tsp Bãking Powder
1/8 tsp Sãlt
ãdd the coconut flour, bãking powder, ãnd sãlt to the bowl of your food processor ãnd pulse to combine.
Combine the shredded mozzãrellã ãnd cubed creãm cheese in ã microwãve-sãfe bowl. Cook 30-second ãt ã time until melted, stirring with ã fork ãt eãch intervãl.
ãdd the egg to the food processor bowl ãnd pulse to combine. Then dump in the melted mozzãrellã /creãm cheese mixture ãnd run the food processor until the cheese is completely incorporãted.
Scrãpe the Fãtheãd dough out onto ã sheet of pãrchment pãper ãnd form it into ã bãll. Cover with ã sheet of plãstic wrãp (to ãvoid sticking) ãnd roll the dough out into the required shãpe for your Fãtheãd-bãsed recipe.
To mãke Fãtheãd pizzã, roll the dough out to 1/8"-1/4" thick (I like to mãke ã lãrge rectãngle pizzã on ã cookie sheet). Pãr-bãke ãt 400 degrees F for 8-10 minutes. ãdd the topping ãnd continue bãking until the toppings ãre the desired doneness.
full receipes : https://bakeitketo.com/easier-fathead-dough-with-coconut-flour/