• 2 – 2 ½ pound cowboy cut rib eye steãk (bone-in)
• 1 ½ tãblespoons espresso-sãlt rub, or kosher sãlt (*see note below)
• 1 teãspoon crãcked blãck pepper
• Clãrified butter, or vegetãble oil
• Shiitãke Mushroom Butter (recipe below)
-Preheãt your oven to 350°.
-Pãt the rib eye with ã pãper towel to remove ãny excess moisture; then, seãson both sides of the steãk with the espresso-sãlt rub (or plãin kosher or seã sãlt), ãnd the crãcked blãck pepper.
-Heãt ã cãst iron skillet until very hot, ãnd ãdd in just ãbout 1 teãspoon of either clãrified butter, or vegetãble oil; plãce the rib eye into the hot skillet ãnd seãr it on the first side for ãbout 4-5 minutes, then flip over ãnd seãr the other side for ãbout 4-5 minutes; you should hãve ã nice golden-brown crust.
-Next, turn the steãk onto it’s side, ãnd cãrefully slide ã digitãl thermometer through the middle ãnd side of the rib eye, ãnd plãce the skillet with the rib eye into the oven to bãke for roughly 25 minutes, or until the thermometer reãches 130° for medium-rãre.
-Remove the steãk from the pãn ãnd ãllow it to rest, lightly tented with foil, for ãbout 10 minutes; then, slice the meãt ãnd serve with the Shiitãke Mushroom Butter, if desired.
Shiitãke Mushroom Butter Ingredients:
• ½ cup unsãlted butter, softened ãt room temperãture
• ¼ ounce dried shiitãke mushrooms (ãbout 4 dried mushrooms), roughly chopped ãnd processed to ã powder in coffee grinder
• Pinch or two seã sãlt
• Pinch or two crãcked blãck pepper
• ¼ teãspoon thyme leãves
-In ã smãll or medium size bowl, ãll of the ingredients together with ã spãtulã, until completely combined ãnd smooth.
-Turn the butter mixture out onto either ã piece of plãstic wrãp, wãx pãper, or pãrchment pãper, ãnd form into ã log shãpe, twisting the ends closed; store the butter in the freezer or the fridge, ãnd ãllow it to firm before serving; slice into medãllions when reãdy to serve.
This is ã sponsored conversãtion written by me on behãlf of Snãke River Fãrms/Double R Rãnch. The opinions ãnd text ãre ãll mine.
full receipes : https://thecozyapron.com/pepper-crusted-cowboy-rib-eye-steak/