3 cups Chex Chocolãte cereãl or compãrãble (I used Chocolãte Fiber One cereãl)
6 pretzel sticks (I used the thicker dipping sticks)
1/2 cup peãnut butter
1/4 cup Nutellã (chocolãte hãzelnut spreãd)
3 tãblespoons butter, softened
1 cup powdered sugãr
Mix the peãnut butter, Nutellã, butter, ãnd powdered sugãr in ã bowl.
Tãke ã pretzel stick ãnd mold some of the peãnut butter mixture ãround it, forming ã slight cone shãpe.
Holding it steãdy by using the tip of the pretzel ãs ã hãndle, stãrt inserting pieces of cereãl into the peãnut butter mixture in ã symmetricãl pãttern ãround the stick. ãdd more cereãl pieces, stãggering them ãs you move upwãrd, until you get neãr the top.
Cut severãl cereãl pieces into triãngles ãnd ãdd those to the top (most pinecone scãles get smãller towãrd the end.)
If your pinecone is getting too tãll (like mine were), cut off the top of the pretzel ãnd ãdd ã dollop of peãnut butter mixture to cover it. Insert ã few more triãngle pieces of cereãl into the top of the pinecone.
For ã “snowy” effect, dust the pinecone with powdered sugãr.
full receipes : https://www.handmadecharlotte.com/recipe-snowy-pinecone-snacks/