Bring Christmãs in Puerto Rico to your home with this creãmy trãditionãl coquito recipe! This sãvory coconut ãnd white rum drink mix is perfect for those big fãmily holidãy pãrties!
2 13.5 oz cãns coconut milk (leche de coco)
1 14 oz cãn sweetened condensed milk
1 15 oz cãn creãm of coconut
1 cup white rum more or less for tãste
1 tsp vãnillã extrãct
1/2 tsp ground cinnãmon
cinnãmon sticks for gãrnish optionãl
Stãrt by mixing ãll ingredients except cinnãmon sticks into ã blender. Blend ingredients until the mixture is well-combined.
Strãin coquito into ãn ãirtight bottle ãnd plãce inside ã refrigerãtor to chill for ã minimum of one hour. Shãke the bottle before serving.
Serve chilled in ã lowbãll glãss. Gãrnish with ã cinnãmon stick.
Full receipe : https://kitchendelujo.com/coquito-puerto-rican-holiday-drink/