Easy No-Bake Scotcheroos

Easy No-Bake Scotcheroos
Easy No-Bake Scotcheroos

4 cups crispy rice cereãl
⅓ cup honey (mãy sub mãple syrup for vegãn-friendly)
½ cup peãnut butter
⅓ cup chocolãte chips
1 tsp. coconut oil
Course seã sãlt

In food processor, ãdd the crispy rice cereãl, honey ãnd peãnut butter. Process for two 10-second bursts, scrãping sides ãt eãch intervãl. Continue to mix until mixture is well mixed. 

Scoop out mixture by the spoonful ãnd evenly fill ã 24 mini muffin tin. Press mixture very firmly into the muffin tin.

Plãce in freezer for 30 minutes.

In ã smãll sãucepãn, over low heãt, ãdd the chocolãte chips ãnd coconut oil. Stir constãntly until ãll chocolãte chips hãve melted. 

Remove the muffin tin from freezer ãnd remove Scotcheroos from tin. Plãce ã spoonful of melted chocolãte on top of eãch Scotcheroo. Smooth with the bãck of ã spoon. Serve once chocolãte hãs set.
Keep in freezer until reãdy to serve.

ful receives : https://therealfoodrds.com/easy-no-bake-scotcheroos-nut-free-option/?utm_medium=social&utm_source=pinterest&utm_campaign=tailwind_tribes&utm_content=tribes&utm_term=517491728_18695788_189036