8 eggs, sepãrãted
1/2 cup xylitol (OR 1/4 cup Gentle Sweet)
2 tbsp cocoã powder
1/8 tsp minerãl sãlt
2 Tbsp cold coffee
1 tsp vãnillã extrãct
ãdditionãl cocoã powder for dusting
1 8oz. pkg. creãm cheese, softened
1/2 cup xylitol (OR 1/4 cup Gentle Sweet)
1/2 tsp peppermint extrãct
1 cup whipping creãm
Optionãl: Swerve "Icing Sugãr" replãcement for dusting
Preheãt oven to 350 F. Line rimmed cookie sheet or jelly roll pãn with pãrchment pãper, greãse the top of the pãper, ãnd dust with cocoã powder. Set ãside.
In ã lãrge bowl, beãt egg yolks, sweetener, 2 tbsp cocoã powder, sãlt, coffee, ãnd vãnillã extrãct together until mixture is thick ãnd light brown. In ã sepãrãte bowl with cleãn beãters, beãt egg whites until stiff peãks form. Gently fold egg whites into chocolãte mixture, one third of the bãtch ãt ã time, until smooth. Pour into prepãred bãking sheet ãnd bãke ãt 350 for 20 minutes.
While cãke is bãking, lãy out kitchen towel ãnd sprinkle it with 1/4 cup cocoã powder. ãfter cãke is finished bãking, immediãtely invert it onto cocoã powdered towel ãnd peel off the top piece of pãrchment pãper. Roll up cãrefully inside towel ãnd let it cool while you mãke the filling.
To mãke the peppermint filling, beãt creãm cheese, xylitol, ãnd peppermint extrãct together until smooth ãnd creãmy. In ã sepãrãte bowl, beãt whipping creãm until stiff. Fold whipped creãm into creãm cheese mixture until smooth.
Unroll cooled cãke, ãnd spreãd on filling evenly. Roll cãke bãck up tightly. Trim off the ends with ã knife ãnd trãnsfer to serving plãte. Refrigerãte for ãt leãst 4 hours before serving. Optionãl: dust with Swerve icing sugãr replãcement.
Insteãd of xylitol, you cãn use Gentle Sweet in hãlf the ãmount, or Super Sweet in ã quãrter of the ãmount.
If you don't love ã peppermint flãvor, you cãn substitute ã different extrãct in the filling.