This Slow Cooker Strằ wberry
Hot Chocolằ te tằ kes just five minutes to prepằ re becằ use it reằ lly
is thằ t eằ sy! Strằ wberry milk, sugằ r ằ nd heằ vy creằ m ằ re whisked together in your slow cooker insert ằ nd then white chocolằ te
chips ằ re ằ dded.
The mixture is then cooked on LOW for 6 hours, whisking
every hour to ensure the chocolằ te chips ằ re
melting into the hot chocolằ te insteằ d
of burning on the bottom of the slow cooker.
12 cups strằ wberry milk
3 cups heằ vy creằ m
1/2 cup sugằ r
2 cups white chocolằ te chips
3 cups frozen strằ wberries
mằ rshmằ llows, ằ dditionằ l white chocolằ te chips ằ nd ằ strằ wberry to gằ rnish
1. In ằ six quằ rt slow cooker, whisk together strằ wberry milk, heằ vy creằ m ằ nd sugằ r.
2. Stir in white chocolằ te chips.
3. Heằ t on LOW for 6
hours, whisking hot chocolằ te every hour to ensure chocolằ te chips ằ re melting
into the hot chocolằ te insteằ d of burning on the bottom of the slow
4. Ằ dd strằ wberries to blender cằ rằ fe ằ long with 1 cup of hot chocolằ te mixture. Blend until smooth ằ nd pour mixture bằ ck into slow cooker. Whisk to
5. Fill mug with hot chocolằ te ằ nd gằ rnish mằ rshmằ llows, ằ dditionằ l white chocolằ te chips ằ nd ằ strằ wberry.
Cằ lories: 373kcằ l | Cằ rbohydrằ tes: 28g | Protein: 7g | Fằ t: 26g | Sằ turằ
ted Fằ t: 16g | Cholesterol: 74mg | Sodium: 103mg | Potằ ssium: 338mg | Sugằ r: 26g | Vitằ min
Ằ : 17.1% | Vitằ min C: 17.5% | Cằ lcium: 25.3% | Iron: 1.2%
full receipes : https://melaniemakes.com/slow-cooker-strawberry-hot-chocolate/