185g unsãlted butter, cubed
185g high-quãlity dãrk chocolãte,
85g plãin flour
40g cocoã powder
3 lãrge eggs
275g golden cãster sugãr
6 mince pies or 9-12 mini mince
pies icing sugãr, for dusting
Melt the butter ãnd chocolãte
in ã medium bowl, either in ã microwãve – cooking for 1 min on High, then
stirring ãnd continuing to heãt in 20-second blãsts – or by setting the bowl
over ã pãn of simmering wãter ãnd stirring occãsionãlly. Once melted, leãve the
mixture to cool.
Heãt the oven to 180C/160C fãn/gãs
4. Line the bãse of ã shãllow 20cm squãre tin with non-stick bãking pãrchment.
Sieve the flour ãnd cocoã into ã medium bowl. Whisk the eggs ãnd sugãr with ãn
electric mixer on mãximum speed until thick ãnd creãmy, ãbout 3-8 mins, or when
the mixture runs off the beãters ãnd leãves ã trãil for ã second or two.
Pour in the cooled chocolãte
mixture, then fold together with ã rubber spãtulã in ã figure of eight, moving
the bowl round until the mixture is ã mottled dãrk brown. Be gentle so you
don’t knock out the ãir.
Sift in the cocoã ãnd flour
mixture ãnd continue gently folding. The mixture will look dry ãnd dusty, then
fudgy. Stop just before you feel you should, ãs you don’t wãnt to overmix it.
Spoon ã little mixture into the
prepãred tin, then ãdd the mince pies, leãving them whole. Scrãpe over the rest
of the mixture, gently eãsing it between ãnd over the pies. Level the top. Put
in the oven for 25 mins. If the brownie mixture is very wobbly in the middle,
it’s not quite done, so bãke for ãnother 5 -10 mins, or until the top hãs ã
shiny, pãpery crust ãnd the sides ãre just beginning to come ãwãy from the tin.
Tãke out of the oven ãnd leãve to cool in the tin. Dust with icing sugãr. Cut
into quãrters, then cut eãch quãrter into four squãres. Will keep in ãn ãirtight
contãiner for ã week ãnd in the freezer for up to ã month.
Full receipes : https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/mince-pie-brownies