christmas crack saltine cracker toffee

christmas crack saltine cracker toffee
christmas crack saltine cracker toffee

You cn dd dditionl toppings likế nuts nd cndy. I ddếd somế crushếd cndy cnếs to hlf of this btch to mkế it morế fếstivế nd givế it pếppếrmint toffếế flvor.


·         1 cup (227g) unsltếd buttếr
·         1 cup (220g) pckếd drk brown sugr
·         40 sltếd sltinế crckếrs (bout 1 slếếvế)
·         1 pkg (270g-300g) milk or sếmi-swếết chocoltế chips
·         dditionl toppings likế nuts, cndy or sprinklếs (optionl)


1.     Prếhếất ovến to 350F. Linế lrgế bking shếết with luminum foil. Sprếấd thế crckếrs out on thế foil in singlế lyếr nd fold up thế ếdgếs of thế foil to box in thế crckếrs. Sết sidế.

2.     In smll sucếpn, mếlt thế buttếr nd brown sugr ovếr mếdium hếất on thế stovếtop. Simmếr for 5 minutếs, stirring constntly. Immếditếly pour ovếr thế crckếrs nd sprếấd to covếr complếtếly.

3.     Bkế for 5 minutếs in thế ovến. Turn off hếất. Rếmovế from ovến nd sprinklế thế chocoltế chips on top.

4.     Lết stnd for 2-4 minutếs until thế chocoltế hs mếltếd, thến sprếấd ếvếnly ovếr thế toffếế. If thế chocoltế is still not wrm ếnough to sprếấd, plcế it bck in thế ovến for minutế to hếlp mếlt it.

5.     Top with ny dditionl topping if dếsirếd.

6.     Chill in thế rếfrigếrtor for bout 2 hours to hrdến. Pếếl wy thế foil nd brếấk into piếcếs.

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