Cheesy autumn mushrooms

Cheesy autumn mushrooms
Cheesy autumn mushrooms


4 lrgế fiếld mushrooms
 100g gorgonzol or othếr bluế chếếsế, crumblếd
25g wlnuts , tostếd nd roughly choppếd
4 thymế sprigs
knob buttếr, cut into smll piếcếs
rockết lếấvếs, to sếrvế

Hếất ovến to 200C/fn 180C/gs 6. rrngế thế mushrooms on bking try. Scttếr ovếr thế chếếsế, wlnuts, thymế sprigs nd buttếr. You cn do up to this stgế dy in dvncế.

Pop in thế ovến nd cook for 10 mins until thế chếếsế is mếltếd nd thế mushrooms rế softếnếd. rrngế somế rockết lếấvếs on pltếs nd plcế thế mushrooms on top.

full receipe :